Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Papa Legba Altar and Offerings

When calling on Papa Legba to either open the gates or to petition him, you want to light the candles for him and always give an offering of rum. There are different ways of calling him to open the gates, but this is the one that we use-

Papa Legba, open the gates. Your children are waiting.
Papa Legba, open the gates. Your children await.
Papa Legba, open the gates. Your children are waiting.
Papa Legba, open the gates. Your children await.
Papa Legba, open the gates. Your children are waiting.
Papa Legba, open the gates. Your children await.

Papa Legba needs to be called on to open the gates before communicating with any of the Lwa.
His colors are red and black. The more you can incorporate these colors, the better. An altar with black and red cloths, black and red candles, red flowers, and various decorations is welcomed.

Offerings can be gifts for the altar such as items that he likes-pennies, copper, small toys, etc. Cigars, pipes and tobacco are also very good choices for offerings. Here are some more suggestions-
Coffee, rum, coconuts, peanuts, candies. Food offerings can include chicken, beef, spicy foods, breads, cakes, baked bananas, sweet potatoes, etc. Be creative. The Lwas have favorites, but do not like the same thing all the time.

Saturday is Papa Legba's day. However, he can be summoned at any time. Offerings and gifts can also be given at any time.


  1. Very useful information. I have a ring it inset is red. Will Papa Legba accept rings as a offering?

    1. If the ring itself is silver or better yet copper than it is welcome. Speaking through technical ways is difficult... Sorry to respond so late, this child wishes you well.

    2. i myself have communed with papa Legba ..and he did allow me to talk to my dead cousin ....but it was in a dream i had that night. after i had given offerings and called upon his name ...be careful when doing this ...it can be quite scary for someone to see and converse with one who has passed on ....

    3. how can i talk to papa leba for the first time and i want to do a offering but how can i?

  2. Hi would it be ok to give a non alcoholic drink as an offering along with his other gifts?

    1. Black coffee with no sugar or creamer. It's something I always give him.

  3. How do you know if you come in contact

    1. I know it with a feeling. However, strange as it may be
      , when my mom is with me he speaks through her.

  4. I need papa legba to give me my own home

  5. Has anyone actually had him arrive?

    1. Yes! He has joined me on many occasions. We have even spoken, he through another present.

    2. He’s always with me. Especially when I call upon him and I need him the most. He is my patron. He’s actually very sweet kind and loving when you need somebody to talk to you. He is not with the display in American horror story by any means.

  6. Listen to your inner voice, should you feel the need to buy something that you do not think you need do not ignore it. Think over which Lowa would ask for it and buy it.

  7. Thanks for the info bless u all be

  8. I've heard the call, and I mean to answer, what should I know?

    I never had the calling for black magic, until I started practicing it. I never had the call for necromancy, until I started working within it. Now I've heard the call of Voudoun, and I will be seeing it through.

  9. They say Saturday is Papa Legba's day. However, can any day be used or can I work with him every day? What happen if you don't provide offerings?

  10. Hi I went to the cross road to give offering to papa legba how will I know if he receives it?

  11. Hello I was wondering how do you discard the food offerings? I don't want them to go bad. Can you eat them or give them to the earth?

  12. Papa Legba i am at an emotional crossroad please come to me.❤

  13. I plan to commune with Papa tonight on All Hallows Eve. I am bringing tobacco, coffee and candy for my offering. He saved my life just a few weeks ago and appears to me in different places. My only concern is I'm a witch who for many years followed another crossroads deity, Hecate so if papa comes in animal form once more, always the same, and hecate comes in dog form as is typical for her then I shall be in a dilemma. A Titan and a Lwa...

    1. Legba and hecate are different facets of the same diamond. Lêgba is known to favors dogs. Ethereal beings are not bound to single names or physical forms. Humans invented language after the old ones were already old

  14. I have nothing to offer papa legba. I come in peace an is in need of his help right now. Can I still call on him an ask for his help?

    1. You will need to offer him something. Lwas don't work for nothing :)

    2. His offerings do not always have to be extreme. Pennies, candy, black coffee, childrens toys. COPPER

  15. I ask that papa legba open up the way for my ex boyfriend to come back n to open the door of good luck n keep me safe from all evil

  16. Other sources say Monday is his day. I'm very confused now

  17. not trying to seem skeptical, just in a place mentally where everything is failing me. Does this work? Or is there help out there?

  18. Does he offer change of gender or form

  19. Offerings I also tend to give at his shrine is cigar, brown sugar water, unsweetened black coffee while fresh off the brew, candle... knock 3 times calling him as I call him then speak with him then end by knocking 3 times letting him know I’m done speaking. At the crossroads when absolutely necessary you can take a bottle of rum calling him as you smoke cigar pour a circle of rum around you as you speak to him offering him 3 pennies, candies and leaving the bottle of rum and cigar there when done. Call him say what you need and then go. Leave all the offerings there in the circle.

  20. Is it scary?
    When you talk to him?

  21. His day is always Saturday, however when needed you can call on him any night.

  22. Papa Legba's days are monday and friday, respectively. These are the same days allocated to Marassa. However, Legba and Marassa are always saluted prior to any communications with other Lwa. You may make offerings to Legba and the Marassa AT ANY TIME. But typically Monday is the day. You'll find all kinds of variances on this. Friday association with Legba is the copper association. In my household, Friday is sabbath night, so we focus on living family, children and the Marassa. Saturdays belong to Le Baron and the Ghede. Sunday is assigned to Bondye. Monday Legba and Marassa. Monday is also typically reserved in my house for moon rites- so I have sometimes used the bigger events to share this day with La Siren (Her usual day is with the 'white' or Rada Lwa on Thursdays.) Tuesday are dedicated to the Petro lwa. Wednesdays to Ogoun. Thursdays Damballah, Aiyda, Erzulie Freda, La Sirene. As long as you are serving your Lwa consistently and passionately, it hardly matters when you do. Just be sure not to insult the Lwa by doing things they dont like (you do not drink or smoke in the presence of Damballah or Freda for example- just as you dont place an altar for Dantor and Freda in the same room.) A lot of this is common sense. And always salute Legba, Marassa and Aziyan/Loko prior to communion with other lwa. Also to be clear, Ellegua and Legba are not the same spirit but they share profound similarities.

    1. Hold on so u telling me ellegua n legba not the same so am I studying under the wrong Goddess...

    2. Do I have to summons legba every time I want to talk to my spirit guide on Tuesday ? And also Do I ask him to close the gate after I'm finished or closing is not necessary? Can I also pray with my mushwa to the East,north ,south and west in my home .Thank youn

  23. Please can you pray to Papa Legba at home and later go to the crossroad

  24. can i offer my soul to him for succses and wealth. plus all of the offerings you have provided us to give to him

  25. Can I reuse the candles I didn’t take to the cross roads after? My light are out and I need to see?

  26. what time should I summon papa Legba day or night at his alter or crossroads?how about 12:00 midnight

  27. How do I ask him for protection.... evil eyes wish death on me but my soul is good

  28. A voodou child born on a waning gibbous moon . .copper red hair . . For where i mourn everywhere . . . In valley city . . For the lwa are angry. . I see people hypnotized . . A gift for i felt power in a wooden cane by a gas station . . . Now on my mantel . .Ty u for ideas in photos . I paint his symbol again next to my self portrait . . . For when does it end . . . And i began again . . . Somewhere far from valley city nd . . . For the abuse of me by own blood kin and all that surrounds them

  29. Will vodka do if you don't have rum?

  30. can you offer a song? to papa legba

  31. Would like to leave a good offering at the crossroads, but worry some kid might come across rum or cigars before Legba gets there, being a busy lwa. Any advice?
